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Gifting Gold? Going Digital is The Smarter Option : Jar App

April 21, 2023

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      Digital Gold - the best gift for your loved ones. Start or expand their investment journey- add Gold in their portfolio.

      Are you still gifting your friends and family cash, tech or fashionable items? Do you yourself remember the gifts you received for Birthday or Diwali last year? No? That's because the gift was probably eaten or devoured. Right? 

      The value of these gifts decrease over time. They go out of style or they may be of no value after prolonged use. While the love endures, the gift is no longer present.

      So why not give your loved ones something that will last a lifetime? Something that shows how much you care about their long-term well-being.

      Gift them wealth. Yes. Start or expand their investment journey by adding Gold in their portfolio. This can be done easily in today's digital age. 

      You can now gift Digital Gold through the Jar app.

      What a beautiful token of love and affection, isn't it? Gold is one of the most valuable and long lasting gifts you can ever give to someone.

      Nothing beats a gift of Gold for birthdays, anniversaries, marriages, valentines, baby showers, festivals and other occasions.

      Why Digital Gold?

      To stay on the safe side of the road. 

      Digital gold is a simple method to give money to those you care about. It relieves them of the headaches of storing gold, selecting the appropriate designs, and selling it if they require funds.

      Gold has always been a highly appreciated metal, and recent events have demonstrated that people still turn to gold when circumstances are tough.

      Gifting Digital Gold is a smarter option than physical Gold. It provides solutions that physical gold doesn't, whether it is the issue of purity and legitimacy of the gold or its storage and safekeeping.

      Why gifting Digital Gold is better than Physical Gold: 

      • Convenient - Digital gold transactions, unlike physical gold purchases, take place online and do not require buyers or receivers to be physically present at the time of sale. They can buy or gift gold from anywhere, anytime. 

      • Safety - If you gift someone physical Gold, there's always a risk of theft, robbery and a number of other things. Digital Gold is safe, secure and stored in vaults. There's no risk of theft involved.

      • Liquidity - Gifting digital gold is, again, a fantastic option because it is highly liquid and can be used as part of their emergency fund. They can be sold on exchanges at any time.

      • Purity - When buying or gifting gold in physical form, there is a chance of receiving impure gold. Buyers or receivers need not be concerned because it is the issuer's responsibility to maintain purity. Also, Digital Gold from Jar is 24K, 99.95% pure. 

      • Holding costs - Theft, robbery, and burglary are all risks of keeping actual gold at home, if you gift one. As a result, the owner must pay rent for a locker and pay a premium to insure the yellow metal in order to keep gold safe. Investing or gifting Digital gold, on the other hand, shifts the risk and cost of holding gold from the investor to the issuer of digital gold.

      • Ease of Investment -  Investors have the option of holding digital gold in fractions, such as the ability to invest as little as ₹ 1 in MMTC-PAMP Digital Gold (99.95 purity certified gold). You can use the Jar app to gift Gold and make investments from the comfort of one's own home.

      • What you pay for: When buying gold jewellery, you not only have to pay the price of gold, but also making charges and additional taxes. Jewellers charge anywhere from 7% to 25% based on the design of your jewellery. With digital gold, you only trade pure gold, which is 24 carats of gold. The total amount you spend is invested in gold only. You only have to pay 3% GST at the time of making the purchase.

      So you see, Digital Gold has been making its way into Indian portfolios, and it is now a terrific gifting alternative as well.

      Not only will the receiver get Digital Gold, but he or she will also own a safe asset that will provide long-term returns and help grow wealth. 

      And guess what? Gifting Gold has now become easy and hassle-free.

      Invest and Gift Digital Gold through Jar  - The Digital Gold Investment App.

      You can not only send a gift to your loved ones at an unbeatable price but buy gold for yourself from the comfort of your own home in a few steps.

      First download the app from here. Open it. Choose the 'Gift Gold' option. Select the contact and the amount of gold you want to send. Then send it right away! Easy peasy.

      Share a portion of your love with them through Digital Gold. Check out this Digital Gold Guide to know everything about Investing in Digital Gold.