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National Small Industry Day 2023 : Date & History

August 24, 2023

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      The National Small Industry Day is celebrated on the 30th of August every year in India. It celebrates enterprises that operate on a smaller scale, typically associated with local manufacturing and services.

      When did National Small Industry Day Begin?

      The National Small Industry Day's roots can be dated to August 30, 2000, when the Ministry of Small-Scale Industries unveiled a comprehensive policy package. 

      This policy aimed to address the pressing challenges faced by small businesses, including issues related to infrastructure, technology, and payment processes.

      The urgency of these challenges prompted the government to take significant action.

      As a direct outcome of this policy, August 30th was officially designated National Small Industry Day. 

      This marked a meaningful step in recognizing the immense contributions of small-scale industries to India's economic landscape. 

      The National Small Industry Day was chosen to commemorate the policy's impact and honour the small enterprises instrumental to the nation's growth.

      When is the National Small Industry 2023?

      The National Small industry day 2023 in India will be held on the 30th of August 2023.

      Significance of National Small Industry Day

      National Small Industry Day is a platform for central and state governments to support and encourage small businesses nationwide.

      These businesses, often called small-scale industries, play a pivotal role in local manufacturing, job creation, and overall economic development.

      This day holds a dual significance; it celebrates outstanding growth and the positive social or environmental contributions made by small businesses. 

      The government uses this occasion to recognise and reward those enterprises that have excelled in their respective fields. 

      On a broader global scale, the United Nations recognises the importance of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

      This is evident through the designation of June 27th as MSME Day.

      This initiative highlights these enterprises' vital role in global economies, as they collectively constitute over 90% of firms worldwide and significantly impact employment and GDP figures.

      Here are five reasons for the significance of National Small Industry Day in India:

      1. Recognition of Contributions: National Small Industry Day serves as a platform to recognize and celebrate the substantial contributions of small-scale industries to India's economic growth, local manufacturing, and job creation.

      2. Policy Impact: The day commemorates the implementation of a comprehensive policy package in 2000, reflecting the government's commitment to addressing challenges small businesses face, such as infrastructure, technology, and payment processes.

      3. Encouraging Growth: It allows the government to support and encourage small businesses, facilitating their growth and expansion, which is essential for overall economic development.

      4. Platform for Discussions:The day serves as a forum for discussions and dialogues aimed at enhancing the productivity and potential of small-scale industries. These discussions focus on improving infrastructure, technology, and other aspects vital for business growth.

      5. Alignment with "Vocal for Local": National Small Industry Day aligns with the "Vocal for Local" initiative, endorsed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. By supporting and promoting local small businesses, citizens contribute to their growth, job creation, and the overall economic ecosystem.

      Contribution of Small-scale Industries to the National Wealth

      Small-scale industries encompass activities conducted on a smaller, micro-level involving production, manufacturing, and service provision.

      In India, these industries wield substantial influence by contributing to employment generation, financial upliftment, rural development, and regional equilibrium.

      Let's explore the roles and significance of small-scale industries in contributing to the nation's wealth:

      1. Employment Catalyst: Small-scale industries play a significant role in job creation in India. Employment growth is a vital determinant of a nation's progress. Therefore, fostering small-scale industries is imperative to cultivate more job opportunities.

      2. Optimal Capital Usage: These industries demand less capital than their larger counterparts. In nations with limited capital resources like India, small-scale industries strike a balance between economic development and resource allocation.

      3. Entrepreneurial Skills and Resource Utilization: Small-scale industries cultivate entrepreneurial talents in rural communities with limited large-scale opportunities. They harness local resources, boosting rural development.

      4. Fair Income Redistribution: By generating employment in underdeveloped regions, these industries ensure a fair income distribution, contributing to overall human development.

      5. Regional Equilibrium: Small-scale industries avert urban overcrowding caused by centralised large industries. By creating jobs in rural areas, they maintain ecological balance and manage natural resources efficiently.

      6. Swift Production Cycle: These industries operate on a shorter production timeline, infusing money into the economy faster.

      7. Nurturing Large Industries: Small-scale industries complement large ones by producing ancillary goods or components essential for final assembly, thus fostering industrial growth.

      8. Export Enhancement: Contributing nearly 40% to India's total exports, small-scale industries substantially augment the country's forex reserves, alleviating balance of payment concerns.

      9. Reduced Agricultural Dependence: These industries relieve the burden on the agricultural sector, offering alternative avenues for rural employment and promoting diversified occupations.

      Types of Small scale Industries and their roles

      Small-scale industries play a crucial role in India by creating jobs, enhancing financial well-being, fostering rural development, and reducing regional disparities. Now let's examine the significant functions of small-scale industries in India:

      1. Manufacturing industry: These units manufacture finalised products, either for consumption or for use in processing industries. Typically, these small-scale industries are individually owned. 

      Examples of manufacturing small-scale industries are:

      • Coins,
      • Power looms
      • Engineering ventures
      • Khadi
      • Food processing, e.t.c

      Role: They create comprehensive reports for direct utilisation and processing industries.

      2. Ancillary Industries: These companies supply components or machines to more giant corporations, including multinational corporations. 

      They also cater to medium-scale industries. Acting as feeder industries, they produce intermediate goods for various manufacturers. 

      Examples include the manufacturing of:

      • Nuts and bolts
      • Electronic components
      •  Sub-assemblies and tooling
      •  We are serving industries such as automobiles, medical and electronics sectors.

      Role: Manufacturing components and parts used by major industries

      3. Service Industries 

      Industries in the service sector provide various services. Examples are;

      • Tourism
      • Finance
      • Fitness, 
      • Banking
      • Beauty and wellness,
      • Mechanical repair, 
      • Media and entertainment, 
      • Communications
      • Wholesale and retail trade, 
      • Engineering
      • Computer software development.
      • Design, and more.

      Role: Provision of essential services

      4. Feeder Industries: Focusing on specific categories of products and services.

      Examples are;

      • Casting
      • Electroplating
      • Welding, etc.

      5. Mining or Quarries: These encompass a wide range of variations.

      Examples of Mining or Quarries include:

      •  Mining of fossil fuels (such as coal and lignite mining, oil and gas extraction)
      • Quarries involved in digging sand or stone
      •  Mining of metal ores and minerals

      Ministry of Small-Scale Industry in India

      The Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (M/o MSME) has a crucial role in promoting the advancement and expansion of the MSME sector, which includes Khadi, Village, and Coir Industries.

      This ministry collaborates with various government bodies, state governments, and stakeholders to support existing enterprises and encourage the establishment of new ones.

      The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act of 2006 underpins this effort, addressing policy matters, investment limits, and competitiveness enhancement. It defines the concept of "enterprise" to include both manufacturing and service entities, streamlining tiers of micro, small, and medium businesses. 

      The Act also introduces consultation mechanisms and funding schemes for these enterprises, along with measures to facilitate credit, technology upgrades, infrastructure, skill development, and market access.

      Formerly known as the Ministry of Small Scale Industries and Ministry of Agro and Rural Industries, the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (M/o MSME) was formed on May 9, 2007, with a focus on policy formulation, program promotion, and monitoring implementation to boost the growth of MSMEs and enhance their competitiveness.

      While the primary responsibility for MSME promotion lies with state governments, the M/o MSME aids their efforts by facilitating credit, technology enhancement, infrastructural support, skill development, market access, and more, all contributing to fostering entrepreneurship, employment, and economic empowerment in the MSME sector.


      National Small Industry Day serves as a powerful reminder of the indispensable role played by small-scale industries in India's economic journey. It celebrates their resilience, acknowledges their accomplishments, and emphasises their growth potential. 

      By supporting local businesses and embracing entrepreneurship, individuals contribute to India's economic progress meaningfully.

      As we approach National Small Industry Day 2023, let's reflect on the continued journey of these enterprises and their unwavering commitment to shaping India's economic landscape.